For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

Pirooz means victorious (Persian: پیروز,). An ideal fit to inspire the journey to optimizing your wellness and reaching your peak state. We call that state ‘happiness’ because it is a term everyone understands and seems to agree on as being universally desirable and synonymous with positive energy. As great things often do it all began with an epiphany…

As a human first and then a global transformation coach, my heart has always pulsed in rhythm with ancient wisdom, intertwined with modern psychology, spirituality, philosophy, and neuroscience. It's my firm belief that every individual possesses an innate power, a unique autonomy that when nurtured in the right environment, blooms.

PIROOZ is a mission. A mission to craft that 'right environment' for all humans. A space where Conscious Self-care® isn't just an added benefit but the very essence of our platform. Join us and let's redefine what it means to be healthy.

Thank you for being here.

With Love and Power,

Sathi Roy
chief executive officer

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